Writing Older Protagonists
Why did I choose to write an older protagonist?
Do most writers create their characters on purpose? They
aren’t born fully formed from your mind as Athena was to Zeus?
I have to think about this one, and you get to receive my
stream of consciousness in written format.
I knew I didn’t want to write a coming-of-age tale. I’ve
read tons of those, and I still enjoy them, but as I’ve grown older and I watch
my friends age with me (ten or twenty years ahead), my mentality on it all has
changed as well.
It is my belief that our culture, society, what-have-you
tends to glorify youth and the lessons that come from it. Truthfully, they’re often
more exciting – jumping a train and accidentally ending up near the next state’s
border – compared to the ones that come in adulthood, like doing your taxes
wrong and living with anxiety for the next four months or more. Worrying about
your next martial arts test instead of whether your chronic pain flares will be
manageable today.
But my friends are smart, and they’re funny, and they’re
still learning about themselves and the world. We share the lessons we learn in
therapy, rant about the newest show, and dig into the reasons why we liked or
disliked something so that next time we can save ourselves the frustration
earlier, or start on something else much faster. We’re taking up new hobbies,
developing new skills, trying genders and pronouns and sexuality to see if one
fits closer, truer to our Self, updating our language and celebrating
the challenge to be kinder, be better.
With the momentum we’ve built, I don’t see all of that
stopping soon. The historical non-fiction I read on various subjects shows me
that humans have changed very little in some significant ways, so I reflect that
with my views of the world and myself into my writing.
In the Unwoven Tapestry novels, Donovan brings a wealth of
experience to the table, conscious or unconscious. He has learned lessons that
are best understood over time and, while he has plenty of human flaws like the
rest of us, he is comfortable in his strengths and who he is. I firmly believe
that compassion is a sign of maturity, and Donovan has a lot of compassion.
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